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End Date May 2024

Cancer myth busting survey




Participants must be currently diagnosed with cancer, or have been diagnosed with cancer in the past

At Tenovus Cancer Care we know that the cancer journey is an extremely difficult time. This is not made any easier by the perpetuation of 'myths' surrounding cancer that you may not know to be true or false. That is why we are working on developing a brand new 'myth busting' page for our website.

The aim of the page is to address some of the most popular 'myths' surrounding cancer, and to explain the science behind some of these claims. The results from this survey will help us develop this page and by participating you will be helping us make the cancer journey that bit less daunting and confusing.

To access the survey please follow the link

If you or someone you love has been affected by cancer, our free Support Line is there for you. Just call 0808 808 1010