What is the purpose of the research?
The purpose of the research is to understand the way in which stop smoking services support people to quit smoking in the UK. We are interested in understanding more about people's experiences with stop smoking services in the UK, and also views of stop smoking services.
What will happen if I take part?
First please complete a short questionnaire to see if you are eligible to take part in an interview -
If you are eligible to take part a member of the study team will be in touch with you to arrange an interview. The interview will take place either face-to-face, via Microsoft Teams/Zoom or over the telephone depending on your preference. The interview will take between 45 minutes and one hour. The researcher will ask you questions about your smoking history and experiences and views on or with stop smoking services.
Your contribution will help us to understand the landscape of smoking cessation services in the UK, and your observations and suggestions may contribute to recommendations for the development of stop smoking services in the UK in the future.
Expenses and payments:
Participants who take part in an interview will be given a £25 shopping voucher.
Who is organising and funding the research?
This research is being organised by the University of Nottingham, Nottingham Trent University, Cardiff University and The University of Edinburgh. The study is funded by Cancer Research UK.
Further information and contact details.
Please don’t hesitate to get in touch with Dr Pam Smith smithp18@cardiff.ac.uk (Research Associate) or Rebecca Thorley Rebecca.Thorley@nottingham.ac.uk (Study Manager) if you have any questions relating to the study.