Marie Curie is inviting people living with a serious life-limiting illness, those supporting them, or people who have been bereaved, to complete a survey to tell Marie Curie what they think future palliative and end of life care research should focus on, reflecting what's most important to them.
Marie Curie’s first survey identified a long list of 79 questions that people see as priorities for palliative and end of life care research. This second survey is asking people to prioritise these questions. The survey will provide Marie Curie with a shortlist of questions to be discussed at a final workshop so that they can identify the top ten research priorities.
One in four people in the UK die without the care and support they need at the end of life. Yet less than 1% of the money spent on health-related research is spent on end-of-life research. This means there are many unanswered questions about the best ways of supporting people towards the end of their lives and Marie Curie want to find out which research should be prioritised.
The survey is open until Saturday 31 August 2024 and Marie Curie would like to hear from:
- People living with a serious life-limiting illness
- People who are caring for a loved one or someone they know
- Bereaved carers, family members or friends
- Volunteers who support people
- Members of the public
- Health and Social Care Professionals
You can take the survey here
Want to learn more? Visit Marie’ Curie’s Palliative and End of Life Care Research Priorities Project website.