Health Technology Wales (HTW) is a national body working to improve the quality of care in Wales. Our remit covers any health technology topic that isn’t a medicine, such as medical devices, surgical procedures, psychological therapies, tele-monitoring or rehabilitation.
For each topic, we seek to produce guidance on its adoption by NHS Wales. Collecting and exploring the views of patients, carers and the public is an important consideration when developing this guidance.
Health Technology Wales are appraising the use of the Papillon technique for treatment of early stage rectal cancer.
To understand why Papillon may be of benefit, it is important for us to properly understand three things; first, what having rectal cancer means for patients and their families, what it is like to experience and how it impacts lives, second; what current standard treatment (surgery and a stoma bag) is like and why a person may wish to avoid this, if they can and third; what having Papillon was like and how this has improved lives.
If you have experience of a) rectal cancer (both early or later stage), b) having surgery and a stoma bag as part of your cancer treatment and/or c) having the Papillon treatment, this questionnaire will aim to capture what that experience was like and ask questions that researchers consider important.
You can complete this questionnaire if you can talk about any of the above areas. You do not need to have had Papillon to complete this questionnaire. If you find you are unable to answer a question, you can leave it blank.
Here is the link to the survey: This survey will close on the 22nd September 2023.