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End Date Sept 2022

Help needed with the wording of a lifestyle questionnaire on cancer

Cancer Type





We need to talk to children/teens who have had a cancer treatment in the last 6 months as well as their parents for their feedback. You must be a first language English speaker and resident in UK or NI.

Who is organising the research/project?

RWS Lifesciences through the Trinity Academy/Language research

What is the research/project about?

This project aims to test out the wording of questionnaires designed to assess everyday issues and how they affect cancer caregivers and patients’ lifestyles. Effectively, we need you to assess the English of the questions to see if they are easy to understand, clear and relevant.

Who can take part?

We need to talk to children/teens who have had a cancer treatment in the last 6 months as well as their parents for their feedback. You must be a first language English speaker and resident in UK or NI.

What does taking part involve?

We will send you the questionnaires by email to preview, 1 for parent/caregiver + 1 for child/teen(patient). We will then organise a phone interview to ask you your opinion of the questions, i.e. what you understand them to mean. You are asked not to check the meaning of any words you don’t understand in advance. On the phone call/interviews, we will ask you your opinion and interpretation of the wording of each question; your opinion is what counts here. This lasts 45 mins for parent and 30 mins approx for the child/teen. There are no right or wrong answers, just your understanding of the meaning. We are offering an incentive of £70 per respondent (2 x £70)

How can you get involved?

Sign up here or email to express your interest in participating.

If you or someone you love has been affected by cancer, our free Support Line is there for you. Just call 0808 808 1010