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End Date Dec 2022

Help shape Tenovus Cancer Care’s response to an endoscopy inquiry by the Welsh Parliament / Senedd Cymru.

Cancer Type





Experience of having an endoscopic procedure to diagnose cancer.

We are seeking input from people who had an endoscopic procedure to diagnose their cancer, to contribute to Tenovus Cancer Care’s response to an inquiry being held by the Sixth Senedd’s Health and Social Care Committee.

The Sixth Senedd’s Health and Social Care Committee is holding a short inquiry to consider what further action is needed to implement the national endoscopy action plan, reduce waiting times, and ultimately improve patient outcomes and survival rates.

We welcome contributions of people with experience of an endoscopic procedure (e.g. colonoscopy, flexi sigmoidoscopy, gastroscopy, bronchoscopy or other) to help contribute to Tenovus Cancer Care’s response to the inquiry.

How to get involved:

Click here for a short 10 minute survey to share your experiences, in which you will be asked whether you would like to contribute any further in this discussion.

If you'd like to submit evidence individually, either in addition to or instead of contributing to the response of Tenovus Cancer Care, please click here to access the consultation page.

If you or someone you love has been affected by cancer, our free Support Line is there for you. Just call 0808 808 1010