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End Date May 2023

Join us for a summer tea to celebrate the first anniversary of the All-Wales Cancer Community.

Cancer Type





Anyone affected by cancer

You are invited to enjoy a summer tea with Tenovus Cancer Care, Members of the Senedd and other stakeholders at the Senedd Cymru on Wednesday 14th June, Noon – 2pm. We’d love you to join us as we reflect upon the impact that the All-Wales Cancer Community has had so far and look ahead to the future. The Tenovus Sing with Us choir will be entertaining us all, and summer tea refreshments will be available.

You will have the opportunity to meet other members of the AWCC, staff from Tenovus Cancer Care, and members of Senedd, and share your views on the future work of the AWCC.

During the event there will be opportunities to have conversations around the following topics:

  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment
  • Communication and information
  • Living with and beyond cancer

We have a budget to support travel costs where needed which will be allocated on a first come first served basis – please contact us at to find out more.

Please RSVP to

We’re looking forward to seeing you there!

If you or someone you love has been affected by cancer, our free Support Line is there for you. Just call 0808 808 1010