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End Date Jan 2023

Online survey - Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Medicines adherence




Has been prescribed medicine

Medicines are the most common intervention used by the NHS to prevent illness and improve health and wellbeing. When medicines are not taken or used properly, it can reduce expected therapeutic benefit and also generate waste for the NHS.

Community Pharmacists are ideally placed to help patients achieve the best use of their medicines, identifying those individuals who have problems with medicines adherence and enabling them (and, sometimes, their carers) to find the best solution to support them to take their prescribed medicines safely and effectively. 

To help our community pharmacists in providing this support, we are currently scoping a potential community pharmacy service to support patients who may have adherence issues.

To have the greatest impact and support patients in the right way we need to understand the reasons why patients may not take medicines as prescribed and what support patients may need to take their medicines. 

We value patient input and have developed a short patient survey which should take 5-10 minutes to complete. 

Please help us by circulating this to as many patients as possible. The responses will help us shape this service and our longer-term strategy.

Patient Survey - Medicines Adherence - Sept 2022

Meddyginiaethau yw'r ymyriad mwyaf cyffredin a ddefnyddir gan y GIG i atal salwch a gwella iechyd a lles. Pan na chaiff meddyginiaethau eu cymryd neu eu defnyddio'n gywir, gall leihau'r budd therapiwtig disgwyliedig a hefyd gynhyrchu gwastraff i'r GIG.

Mae Fferyllwyr Cymunedol mewn sefyllfa ddelfrydol i helpu cleifion i wneud y defnydd gorau o’u meddyginiaethau, gan nodi’r unigolion hynny sydd â phroblemau cadw at feddyginiaethau a’u galluogi (ac, weithiau, eu gofalwyr) i ddod o hyd i’r ateb gorau i’w cefnogi i gymryd eu meddyginiaethau rhagnodedig yn ddiogel. ac yn effeithiol.

Er mwyn helpu ein fferyllwyr cymunedol i ddarparu’r cymorth hwn, rydym ar hyn o bryd yn cwmpasu gwasanaeth fferylliaeth gymunedol posibl i gefnogi cleifion a all fod â phroblemau ymlyniad.

Er mwyn cael yr effaith fwyaf a chefnogi cleifion yn y ffordd gywir mae angen i ni ddeall y rhesymau pam na all cleifion gymryd meddyginiaethau fel y rhagnodir a pha gymorth y gallai fod ei angen ar gleifion i gymryd eu meddyginiaethau.

Rydym yn gwerthfawrogi mewnbwn cleifion ac wedi datblygu arolwg byr i gleifion, dylai gymryd 5-10 munud i'w gwblhau.

Helpwch ni drwy ddosbarthu hwn i gynifer o gleifion â phosibl. Bydd yr ymatebion yn ein helpu i lunio'r gwasanaeth hwn a'n strategaeth tymor hir.

Diolchwn ymlaen llaw am eich cyfraniad.

Linc i'r Arolwg Cymraeg: Arolwg Cleifion - ger cadw at Feddyginiaeth - Medi 2022 

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