What do participants need to do: Interview
How long will it take? Anything from an hour to half a day
Will participants get paid? No
Is this for research, policy or services? Policy
Who can take part? Anyone who has experienced long waiting times for cancer treatment in the last year.
Deadline: February 2025
Location: Anywhere
We are often asked by the press for stories of people who have experienced long waiting times for cancer treatment to demonstrate the personal impact. This usually involves being interviewed by a journalist and your experience being shared online or in broadcast media (television or radio). We work with a range of media broadcasters including BBC and ITV.
Our communications team will contact you with opportunities to share your story with the media. We will confirm you are happy to take part before sharing your details with the journalist.
You will be offered our support when sharing your story with the media e.g. speaking to you beforehand or accompanying you to interviews. Although we can influence and support people through this process, once you have been interviewed by the media outlet, the final article is out of our control.
If you have experienced long waiting times for cancer treatment in the last year and would be comfortable sharing your experience with the media, get in touch via stories@tenovuscancercare.org.uk