Macmillan have identified that not all persons access information and support services when diagnosed with cancer. We want to know why and how this could be improved. This is your chance to tell your story and help Macmillan change its approach in the future.
If you are a cancer patient, have recovered from cancer, or are caring for someone with cancer we want to hear from you. This is your opportunity to tell us if you accessed information and support services during your cancer journey and if not, why not and what changes you would like to see in place.
Through your involvement, information and support services will change, allowing more people to access them in a location or format that makes them feel safe, whilst obtaining the information they need.
If you wish to take part, please email Eleanor Jones on and arrange a short interview either on the phone, or through teams or zoom, or complete a short questionnaire (link below)
Each interview will take a maximum of 30 minutes. There is no payment for taking part. If you want to find out more about the project this link takes you to the WCVA website: