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Help shape the Welsh Government’s inquiry into gynaecological cancer experiences

Cancer Type



Face to face and online


Women who have experience of gynaecological cancer

The Senedd’s Health and Social Care Committee is looking at the experiences of women with symptoms of gynaecological cancer, how they are listened to and treated by healthcare professionals, and how services empower, care for and look after women diagnosed with gynaecological cancer (to ensure their physical, psychological and practical needs are met). 

To support this inquiry the Senedd will run a programme of engagement to hear from women with lived experiences. This will include: 

  • Recording a selection of women’s personal stories in a one-to-one interview format. These case studies will be recorded on video and shared with Committee members during a formal committee meeting. 
  • Running a number of focus group sessions with women across Wales. 

If you would like to participate, please read and complete the online form

If you or someone you love has been affected by cancer, our free Support Line is there for you. Just call 0808 808 1010