We rely on donations to provide essential care and support for cancer patients and their loved ones, where and when they need us most.
Donating to Tenovus Cancer Care in memory of a loved one is a special way of commemorating their lives while giving hope to others with cancer.
Your fundraising is vital for us to continue being there for those affected by cancer. By fundraising for us, you'll be making a huge difference to people affected by cancer.
Gifts in Wills are hugely important to Tenovus Cancer Care and make up a large part of our income. They help us fund around a million pounds of life-saving and life-changing cancer research every year.
Make a difference! Play the ‘make a smile lottery' for your chance to win weekly cash prizes while supporting cancer patients and their loved ones!
Payroll Giving is a tax efficient way of supporting that means you can make regular donations to us straight from your salary.
Make your donation go even further with Gift Aid. If you're a UK tax payer, you can increase your gift by 25% at no extra cost to you.
Donate your unwanted clothes, books, CDs or furniture to our Tenovus Cancer Care charity shops. You can make a difference just by having a clear out.
If you or someone you love has been affected by cancer, our free Support Line is there for you. Just call 0808 808 1010