It has been a privilege to work in association with Claire following the launch of her campaign last year.
Claire's Campaign, an update

Since sharing her story, she has been contacted by more than 200 women and family members with similarly harrowing stories to tell.
Despite her own deteriorating health, she has inspired women who have also felt unheard and let down by the Welsh NHS to join her campaign, speak up, and be heard.
She has amplified the voices of hundreds of women. Today, we applaud Ceri and Jessica for following Claire's lead and talking so candidly about their own poor experiences on ITV Wales.
We also remember Judith Rowlands who, resolute to the end, tragically passed away last year just days after delivering powerful testimony to the Senedd's inquiry into Gynaecological Cancers.
All these women, with their courage and conviction, have also come from a selfless place of not wanting another woman - another family - to go through their trauma and pain.
Claire's wish is for every woman who visits their GP to be heard, their gynaecological cancer caught early, their treatment delivered within targets, and their lives saved. But there is no magic wand.
Alarmingly, the latest figures for May reveal only 38.7% of women with a gynaecological cancer started their treatment within 62 days last month, a drop from 41.9% in April. Only one health board - Cardiff and Vale Health Board - performed to target - the rest falling woefully short. This is unacceptable, unfair and unjust.
Today, we call on the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care to ensure gynaecological cancer - all cancer - remains a top priority, despite changes to Welsh Government leadership, and that the recommendations of the report Unheard: Women's journey through gynaecological cancer are acted upon.
We will continue to walk alongside Claire, and all the women who have bravely come forward, carrying on their campaigning for vastly improved outcomes. We cannot allow these women to tell their horror stories in vain. It's time to change the never-ending narrative. It's time to act.
Behind every statistic is a person and family anxiously waiting for a diagnosis or treatment. Our services are here to support during these tough times – call us for free on 0808 808 1010."