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Thu 11 Jan 2024

Wales survival ranks among the worst in the world for deadliest cancers

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Wales and the whole of the UK lag woefully behind other countries for cancer survival according to data shared today by the Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce (LSCT).

The Taskforce, which represents six less survivable cancers: lung, liver, brain, oesophageal, pancreatic and stomach, with an average five-year survival rate of just 16%, has released the findings on Less Survivable Cancers Awareness Day to highlight the loss of life caused by this deadly cancer gap.

The findings released today are based on a new analysis of existing data and the world survival rankings of cancers of the lung, liver, brain, oesophagus, pancreas and stomach. Wales, and the UK, ranks below most other countries for these six cancers.

The data shows that out of 33 countries of comparable wealth and income levels, Wales ranks as low as 31st for five year survival for stomach cancer and 30th for pancreatic cancer and lung cancers. This rises to 21st for liver cancer, 20th for oesophageal cancer and 12th for brain cancer. This poor survivability for less survivable cancers is similar across all UK nations.

The countries with the highest five year survival rates for less survivable cancers were Korea, Belgium, USA, Australia and China and the new analysis found that, if people in the UK survived at the same rate as those in these countries, then over 8,000 lives could be saved annually. Currently, in the UK around 15,400 people will survive for five years following a diagnosis of a less survivable cancer - if the UK had survival rates comparable to the top five performing countries, this number could be close to 24,000.

The reasons behind the UK’s lethal gap in survival are complex and experts believe they are likely to be a mix of delayed diagnosis and slow access to treatment. Many patients with a less survivable cancer will only be diagnosed after an emergency admission to hospital or an urgent GP referral after symptoms have become severe.

Currently in the UK, 7 in 10 patients receive no treatment at all for pancreatic cancer and of the 10,000 people diagnosed annually, just 10% receive surgery, the only potentially curative treatment. These poor outcomes are often the result of patients waiting too long for a confirmed diagnosis and for treatment to begin.

The less survivable cancers make up nearly half of all common cancer deaths in the UK and over 90,000 people are diagnosed with one of the less survivable cancers in the UK every year. Despite their prevalence, the less survivable cancers receive a fraction (16.6%) of research funding of more survivable cancers.

Judi Rhys MBE, Chief Executive of Tenovus Cancer Care and Chair of the Less Survivable Cancers Taskforce Wales subgroup, said:

“People diagnosed with one of these six cancers still have a shockingly low life expectancy. The figures released today are concerning and it’s extremely disappointing to see how poorly Wales, and the UK, compares to our international counterparts.

“The actions we’ve repeatedly called for - targeted screening and monitoring those most at risk - would have a huge impact on survival. These latest statistics should be a strong reminder to Welsh Government of the importance of prioritising and accelerating cancer survival initiatives.

“Without concerted effort and action now, we will continue to miss opportunities to save lives.”

Delyth Jewell, MS and Plaid Cymru Deputy Leader in the Senedd, said:

"Improving outcomes for less survivable cancers is something that would make an enormous difference to people across the country and it's also a cause close to my heart. We must come together, regardless of our political differences, to bring Wales and the whole of the UK on a level with other countries when it comes to survivability. I fully support Less Survivable Cancers Awareness Day and everyone working to defeat these devastating cancers."

Christine Tattersall, 73, from Llanelli, Carmarthenshire, was diagnosed with stage 4 oesophageal cancer in 2018. Against all the odds, consultants gave her the five year all-clear on her birthday last summer after extensive radiotherapy and chemotherapy treatment. Christine said:

“I feel so lucky to be alive. I left it a year before going to see my GP after experiencing heartburn and increasing difficulties swallowing my food.  I kept saying to my friends I really must see about this. By the time I saw my doctor, I couldn’t swallow anything - including hot and cold drinks - without severe pain. I just didn’t think it was all that serious. I went to the hospital on my own for my results, me being a toughie, and the consultant told me straight up it was cancer. I said don’t be silly,  it’s a stomach ulcer, and he then told me I had about two years to live as oesophageal cancer was deadly. I was heartbroken, and angry with myself for not going to see the GP earlier.”

The LSCT has hosted events at Holyrood, the House of Commons and the Senedd this week to talk to MPs, MSPs and MSs about the critical situation for people diagnosed with less survivable cancers and to call for a commitment from all UK governments to increase survival rates to 28% by 2029.

Cyfraddau goroesi yng Nghymru ymhlith y gwaethaf yn y byd ar gyfer y canserau mwyaf marwol


Yn ôl data a rennir heddiw gan y Tasglu Canserau Llai Goroesadwy (LSCT), mae Cymru a’r DU gyfan ar ei hôl hi’n sylweddol o ran cyfraddau goroesi canser o gymharu â gwledydd eraill.

Mae’r Tasglu yn cynrychioli chwe chanser llai goroesadwy: yr ysgyfaint, yr afu, yr ymennydd, oesoffagws, pancreas a’r stumog. Dim ond 16% yw’r gyfradd goroesi pum mlynedd gyfartalog ar gyfer rhain. Mae’r Tasglu wedi rhyddhau’r casgliadau ar Ddiwrnod Ymwybyddiaeth o Ganserau Llai Goroesadwy i dynnu sylw at y marwolaethau a achosir gan y bwlch canser marwol hwn.

Mae'r canfyddiadau a ryddhawyd heddiw yn seiliedig ar ddadansoddiad newydd o ddata cyfredol a chyfraddau goroesi’r byd o ran canser yr ysgyfaint, yr afu, yr ymennydd, yr oesoffagws, y pancreas a'r stumog. Mae Cymru, a'r DU, yn is na'r rhan fwyaf o wledydd eraill ar gyfer y chwe chanser hyn.

Mae'r data'n dangos bod Cymru, allan o 33 o wledydd sydd â lefelau cyfoeth ac incwm tebyg, mor isel â 32 ar y rhestr o gyfraddau goroesi pum mlynedd ar gyfer canser y stumog a 31 ar gyfer canser y pancreas a chanser yr ysgyfaint. Mae hyn yn codi i 21 ar gyfer canser yr afu a canser yr oesoffagws a 12 ar gyfer canser yr ymennydd. Mae’r cyfraddau goroesi gwael hyn ar gyfer canserau llai goroesadwy yn debyg ar draws holl wledydd y DU.

Y gwledydd â’r cyfraddau goroesi pum mlynedd uchaf ar gyfer canserau llai goroesadwy oedd Korea, Gwlad Belg, UDA, Awstralia a Tsieina . Dangosodd y dadansoddiad newydd, pe bai pobl yn y DU yn goroesi ar yr un gyfradd â’r rhai yn y gwledydd hyn, yna byddai modd achub dros 8,000 o fywydau yn flynyddol.

Ar hyn o bryd, yn y DU bydd tua 15,400 o bobl yn goroesi am bum mlynedd yn dilyn diagnosis o ganser llai goroesadwy. Pe bai gan y DU gyfraddau goroesi sy'n debyg i'r pum gwlad sy'n perfformio orau, gallai'r nifer hwn fod yn agos at 24,000.

Mae’r rhesymau dros fwlch angheuol y DU mewn cyfraddau goroesi yn gymhleth. Mae arbenigwyr yn credu mai cymysgedd o oedi wrth wneud diagnosis a mynediad araf at driniaeth sy’n debygol o fod yn gyfrifol. Dim ond ar ôl derbyniad brys i'r ysbyty neu atgyfeiriad brys gan Feddyg Teulu oherwydd symptomau difrifol y bydd llawer o gleifion â chanser llai goroesadwy yn cael diagnosis.

Yn y DU ar hyn o bryd, nid yw 7 o bob 10 claf yn cael unrhyw driniaeth o gwbl ar gyfer canser y pancreas ac o'r 10,000 o bobl sy'n cael diagnosis blynyddol, dim ond 10% sy'n cael llawdriniaeth, yr unig driniaeth posibl ar gyfer iachâd. Yn aml, mae'r canlyniadau gwael hyn o ganlyniad i gleifion yn aros yn rhy hir am ddiagnosis llawn ac i’r driniaeth ddechrau.

Mae'r canserau llai goroesadwy yn cyfrif am bron i hanner yr holl farwolaethau canser cyffredin yn y DU ac mae dros 90,000 o bobl yn cael diagnosis o un o'r canserau lleiaf goroesadwy yn y DU bob blwyddyn. Er gwaethaf y cyfraddau uchel, mae'r canserau llai goroesadwy yn cael dim ond ffracsiwn (16.6%) o gyllid ymchwil y canserau mwy goroesadwy.

Dywedodd Judi Rhys MBE, Prif Weithredwr Gofal Canser Tenovus a Chadeirydd is-grŵp Tasglu Canserau Llai Goroesadwy Cymru:

“Mae gan bobl sy’n cael diagnosis o un o’r chwe chanser hyn ddisgwyliad oes syfrdanol o isel o hyd. Mae’r ffigurau a ryddhawyd heddiw yn peri pryder ac mae’n hynod siomedig gweld pa mor wael yw Cymru, a’r DU, o gymharu â’n cymheiriaid rhyngwladol.

“Byddai’r camau rydyn ni wedi galw amdanyn nhw dro ar ôl tro – sef prosesau sgrinio wedi’u targedu a monitro’r rhai sy’n wynebu’r risg fwyaf – yn cael effaith enfawr ar oroesiad. Dylai’r ystadegau diweddaraf hyn atgoffa Llywodraeth Cymru o bwysigrwydd blaenoriaethu a chyflymu mentrau goroesi canser.

“Heb ymdrech ddwys a gweithrediad ar y cyd nawr, byddwn yn parhau i golli cyfleoedd i achub bywydau.”

Dywedodd Delyth Jewell, AS a Dirprwy Arweinydd Plaid Cymru:

"Mae gwella canlyniadau ar gyfer canserau llai goroesadwy yn rhywbeth a fyddai'n gwneud gwahaniaeth enfawr i bobl ledled y wlad ac mae’n achos sy'n agos at fy nghalon. Rhaid inni ddod at ein gilydd, beth bynnag ein gwahaniaethau gwleidyddol, i ddod â Chymru a'r DU cyfan i'r un lefel â gwledydd eraill o ran goroesiad. Rwy'n llwyr gefnogi Diwrnod Ymwybyddiaeth Canserau Llai Goroesadwy a phawb sy'n gweithio i drechu'r canserau dinistriol hyn."

Cafodd Christine Tattersall, 73, o Lanelli, Sir Gâr, ddiagnosis o ganser yr oesoffagws cam 4 yn 2018.

Er gwaethaf pob disgwyl, rhoddodd y meddyg ymgynghorol yr arwydd ‘pum mlynedd hollol glir’ iddi ar ei phen-blwydd yr haf diwethaf ar ôl triniaeth radiotherapi a chemotherapi helaeth. Dywedodd Christine:

“Rwy’n teimlo mor ffodus fy mod wedi goroesi. Arhosais am flwyddyn cyn mynd i weld fy meddyg ar ôl dioddef llosg cylla ac anawsterau wrth lyncu fy mwyd. Roeddwn i'n cadw dweud wrth fy ffrindiau bod rhaid i mi ymchwilio i hwn. Erbyn i mi weld fy meddyg, doeddwn i ddim yn gallu llyncu unrhyw - gan gynnwys diodydd poeth ac oer - heb boen difrifol. Doeddwn i ddim yn meddwl ei fod mor ddifrifol â hynny. Es i i'r ysbyty ar fy mhen fy hun i gael fy nghanlyniadau, gan fy mod yn berson cryf, a dywedodd y meddyg ymgynghorol wrthyf ar unwaith mai canser oedd gen i. Dywedais i peidiwch â bod yn wirion, mae'n wlser stumog, ac yna dywedodd wrthyf fod gen i tua dwy flynedd i fyw gan fod canser yr oesoffagws yn farwol. Torrais fy nghalon, ac roeddwn i’n grac gyda fy hun am beidio â mynd i weld y meddyg yn gynharach.”

Mae Tasglu’r LSCT wedi cynnal digwyddiadau yn Holyrood, Tŷ’r Cyffredin a’r Senedd yr wythnos hon i siarad ag Aelodau o’r Senedd am y sefyllfa argyfyngus i bobl sy’n cael diagnosis o ganserau llai goroesadwy ac i alw am ymrwymiad gan holl lywodraethau’r DU i gynyddu cyfraddau goroesi i 28% erbyn 2029.

If you or someone you love has been affected by cancer, our free Support Line is there for you. Just call 0808 808 1010