October marks Breast Cancer Awareness Month. That's why each year, we go on a PINK mission to raise money and awareness for the 56,000 people are diagnosed with breast cancer in the UK every year - that’s over 150 a day!
We wanted to share the important messages around signs and symptoms, the real stories of people who have been affected by breast cancer and some of the activities we have going on throughout the month to help us raise funds and awareness.
We'd love for you to get involved in any way possible; either through taking on one of our challenges or fundraising activities, or simply just spreading awareness with your family and friends.
Check Your Breasts
Whatever your age, size or shape it’s important to take care of your breasts. That’s why we’ve created this useful guide to help you check yourself and to learn what’s normal for you.
Some of the signs and symptoms you should look for include:
- Changes to the size, outline or shape
- Changes to the look or feel of your skin such as bumps, dimples, orange peel, skin sores or growing veins
- A new lump, thickening or bumpy area in the breast or armpit
- Unexpected fluid or bleeding
- Crusty or sunken nipples or a change in nipple position
- Discomfort or pain in one breast
- An unexplained rash or feelings of heat
- Don’t forget that men get breast cancer too.
If you notice anything unusual or have any concerns about any of the symptoms above, we would advise you to see your doctor and seek medical advice.
If you’re worried about breast cancer call our free Support Line on 0808 808 1010.